Cooking in the
spirit of

The Wholefood Kitchen is the creation of New Zealand born Kevin Helas, who trained extensively in London under the guidance of some of the worlds leading wholefood and macrobiotic chefs.

The Wholefood Kitchen connects with the simple, ancient tradition of coming together in the kitchen to prepare and share food; a practice that offers a path to greater agency over our own health and wellbeing, and ability to care for and nourish ourselves and our whanau.

But it’s much more than this too.

The Wholefood Kitchen offers an invitation to connect with what is available when we enter the kitchen space, when we tune into the act of cooking as a way to connect with ourselves.

It’s a space of personal growth and discovery. It’s a place to develop our sensitivity, our sensuality, our intuition, our sense of magic and wonder. It’s a place to develop a deeper and fuller sense of who we really are.

Where earth, heart
and fire come

What I



The Wholefood Kitchen offers a range of in-person
and online classes and programmes.

Kitchen ‘Clinics’

Whether you want to advance your cooking ability and confidence in the kitchen, or simply learn how to cook with certain ingredients to create simple, easily recreated family meals, you will benefit from The Wholefood Kitchen’s clinics, and Kevin’s commitment to pass on his wholefood cooking passion and knowhow. Clinics can be held in any kitchen space, including your own.

Cooking Classes

Whether you want to learn how to make quick, everyday meals or meals for special occasions, these classes will transform your relationship to food and cooking. We offer a range of classes including ‘Soup from scratch;’ One pot meals; Seasonal and plant-based cooking; ‘Gourmet’ Outdoor Cooking, or bespoke classes can be created to. suit your requirements.

Events & Workshops

The Wholefood Kitchen is available to collaborate on events & workshops where energetic alignment and nourishment of food is an absolute necessity. We can offer design and planning of retreat menus, through to onsite food preparation. Produce will always be locally and sustainably sourced where possible. Seasonal, plant-based meals a speciality, as is high-end outdoor cuisine.

Make an enquiry

Get in touch to let me know what you have in mind,
or complete this form and I’ll contact you to set up a call.
Tel +64 (0) 21 795 477


‘In the kitchen, you do not cook – you transform and create.
You create life: your life and the life of those you love.'

– Jean Torné