What I

The Wholefood Kitchen offers range from spaces to develop your confidence and competence in the kitchen, to opportunities to enjoy food cooked for you, or that we create together.

Cooking Classes

Whether you want to learn how to make quick, everyday meals or meals for special occasions, these classes will transform your relationship to food and cooking. I offer a range of classes including seasonal and plant-based cooking; ‘Gourmet’ Outdoor Cooking. Any dietary requirements can be catered for. Classes are offered in person or online, for groups or individuals. In person classes can be hosted by The Wholefood Kitchen, or in a space of your choice.

Kitchen ‘Clinics’

Often the challenge we face around food and cooking, is trying to pick up new skills and knowledge, while grappling with a lack of confidence. In the kitchen, we are often faced with our own limitations in our techniques and ability; or knowledge about certain foods, and how they can be used. My kitchen clinics are safe, supportive spaces for you to develop an entirely new relationship with food and cooking. You may want to learn how to cook with a mystery ingredient, and use this as a base to create a selection of nourishing, healthy and economical meals for the whanau. You may want to learn how to cook a particular dish (like a bouillabaise). You may want to simply enjoy the experience of preparing and sharing a meal together with others, and in the process, experience a tangible sense of connection, abundance and gratitude. If that’s the case, my clinics are designed for you.

‘Soup From Scratch’
One Pot Meals

My signature offering, an invitation to join me in the kitchen to create a Soup or One Pot Meal, from scratch – meaning beginning with the creation of a Stock (usually Vegetable based) and preparation of seasonal ingredients to create a Soup, Stew or One pot meal variations from a range of cuisines. Soup or One Pot Meals offer a wonderful introduction into the world of cooking, with countless learning opportunites around the use of ingredients, elements of cooking and techniques which can be easily replicated and lead to an expansion of skills and confidence. Of course, there’s also the wonderful experience of preparing, cooking and sharing a meal together with others.


I am available to collaborate on events & workshops where energetic alignment and nourishment of food is an absolute necessity. I can take care of meal design and planning, budgeting, food ordering, kitchen team management and primary responsibility for creating the food for event participants and facilitators. Produce will always be locally and sustainably sourced where possible. Seasonal, plant-based meals are a speciality, though I’m happy to incorporate Meat, Fish and animal products.

in person/online

An extension of my cooking classes, bespoke kitchen ‘coaching’ packages can be created, tailored to your personal needs. They could take the form of a series of cooking tutorials over the course of 3, 6 or 12 months to develop your confidence and expertise, working with a set of recipes you’d like to learn. Or, you could join a group programme: combining IRL sessions with online support and mentoring via WhatsApp. Cooking sessions can be held at a venue of your choice location, including your own kitchen. Mentoring could include guidance around basic kitchen equipment and ingredients which will help you create your own Wholefood Kitchen.

Partnership &

I am actively seeking opportunities to connect and work with aligned individuals and organisations, committed to providing food and/or experiences which allow people to connect with themselves, with family and community, and the abundance of nature. A prime example is Velskov, who I work with in support of a ‘bush boardroom’ experience in a native food forest in the Waitakeres. My contribution has been to oversee a collaborative gourmet outdoor cooking session to bring their schedule to a completion with a shared meal.

Make an enquiry

Get in touch to let me know what you have in mind,
or complete this form and I’ll contact you to set up a call.

Tel +64 (0) 21 795 477